Global Street Style – Summer Trends
Listas para una dosis de estilo global? hoy en día no es extraño compartir las mismas tendencias en diferentes rincones del mundo, pero lo que prevalece es el estilo único que cada quien le imprime a su vestimenta, por eso publico esta selección de imágenes de bloggers de diferentes países luciendo las tendencias de verano ( ya recordarán el post anterior con estilismos de otoño) – algunos amigos cuyo estilo admiro y otros simplemente captaron mi atención porque su actitud es mas que lo que llevan puesto. Por diversas razones bien vale la pena visitar esta lista de 20 blogs de moda.
Ready for a dose of global style? Today it is common to share the same trends in different corners of the world, but what prevails is the unique style each one provides when it comes to dressing up. For most designers inspiration comes from real people on the street, so I wanted to share this selection of bloggers from various countries styling summer trends (remember the previous post with fall trends?) – some are friends whose style I admire, and others simply captured my attention because their attitude goes beyond what they wear. For various reasons you might like visiting this list of 20 fashion blogs.
Athina from Not Your Average Style Fix – Greece
Charlotte from Winston & Willow – Australia
Becca From WinnipegStyle – Canadá
Martha from Addict Be Iconic – Tenerife
Lucie from Style Without Limits – Czech Republic
Mery from MeriWild Poland
Lisa from The L Fashion – Germany
Renée from Fashionfillers – Amsterdam
Verónica de With or Without Shoes – Spain
Ruxandra from Brussels With Love – Belgium
Keit from Beauty In Insanity – Bulgaria
Yulia from Rusia
Erin from Simply Just Lovely – Newark
Emily from Love or Money Los Angeles
Visa Lom from One Fine Day
Karla from KQNS Style from Miami
Rachel from Chicago Chic – Chicago
Nife from Skinny Hipster
Flavia from Fashioncoolture Brazil
Lissa from Scenestealer – Singapore
Te gustaría ser parte del próximo post con las tendencias de Otoño? debes estar pendiente de las alertas y seguir a Trends Vip vía Twitter,Blogloving , Facebook e Instagram
Would you like to be included in the next global Street style – fall trends? stay tuned for alerts and follow Trends Vip via Twitter,Blogloving , Facebook and Instagram
Thank you for the feature! It was very nice
Winston & Willow
Jenny Marc
Do we have to be bloggers to be featured? this post is cool, I wish you could pick my photo in the future.
Love this post!! 🙂 Thanks for the feature Scarlett, you are awesome!!
Scarlett Vargas
Actually son I´ll be featuring some girls with good sense of style…stay tuned!
Thanks so much for all the wonderful summer inspiration! I love too see what others look like from all over the world! Great style! Thanks so much for featuring me too!
Visa Lom
thank you for the feature 🙂