• Outfit – Pastels and Neutrals

    If asked about our favourite colours, for most of us grey probably doesn´t make the list given it´s boring and lacking character, along with not so positive references according to psychology; but the truth is every colour has its virtue and to carry one or another successfuly is in the detail – such as our skin tone and other colours to combine…

  • Outfit – Serenity Pants

    To dress from here, there, or anywhere, without boundaries and with a universal language. Although for many modern times implies a more homogeneous scenario when it comes to fashion, others find in cultural references a way to enrich and distinguish their style. As for their roots certain garments own traits that identify them when they cross frontiers, just as flounces and dots…

  • Outfit – Time to sparkle

    January, beginning of a new year, the right time to set up plans and projects, but above all for me it´s my birthday month!  I love January and it´s somewhat low key atmosphere, (at least in my experience) since most people are either on holidays or very tired after the holidays by this time. I´m also a low key person and this…

  • Outfit – Welcome 2016

    Sheike Dress  – Forevernew Cape and clutch- Steve Madden Shoes –  Swarovski Bangle Each year leaves behind a balance often measured in acheivements and things still to accomplish, of happiness and sadness, but above all learning from our experiences in this 365 day cycle we call a year is what it´s all about. Although December 31 represents the end of the year,…

  • How to order prescription glases online with Firmoo

    Some use them because they need it, and some use them for fashion, one thing is certain – with all the social media apps and gadgets consuming more of our attention during endless browsing sessions it´s no surprise to see an increasing number of people wearing prescription lenses. In my case blogging has made the use of lenses a necessity as not…

  • Summer Vibes

    When it comes to changing up the routine there are places plenty generous in landscapes to the extent where one needs not to take a plane to enjoy paradise like locations and feelings of never ending vacations. Sydney is a priviledged city gifted with outstanding urban spots as well as dreamy water scenarios. With summer officially here beaches are in the plans…