The it bag cult – worship beyond reason
Click para versión en Español Have you ever wondered what is it that makes us devoted to certain femenine objects, beyond simple desire and trascending into a form of cult, craving to own everything that piece represents and what it stands for? By association or simple validation bags today symbolize style which is used as a statement of who we are. Call it a designer bag, investment bag or simply it bag most of us want one in our lives, whose price and lineage justifies it´s use once and again.
Although the worship for these elements is usually said to be for their artisan nature and exceptional materials, ultimately what counts for many is nothing more than a “designer label”. But why is it so important, or better said significant to at least have one designer bag in our wardrobe? Besides the quality, heritage and craftsmanship speech certainly the branding machine behind the label or designer have dug enough into the female phyche that with that logo X item we´ll be perceived in a more special way and even superior.
This post might sound contradictive coming from a fashion blogger, don´t get me wrong I appreciate a designer bag and of course the so called investment bags are truly pieces for a life time, but we should not assume that a style potion is included in the price, nor should we let our ego vanish just because we don´t own one.
This is in no way a boycott post but an objective one, a look into femenine reasoning because ultimately we buy ideas, but what matters is that those ideas respond to our real desires rather than persuasion. Lets be honest here many designer bags are less than attractive, and what we like about them is the fact that they are designer bags, while some lesser known labels with great build quality and interesting designs aren´t given any consideration, they also lack the army of fans “high end” brands own. If we fancy a given designer or label it doesn´t mean we like all they offer, even well known brands pull off some lacklustre offerings , as we´ll see in the following pictures…
As mentioned earlier there are many brands out there than without being the most famous or chic actually make some better models than the mediocre, odd and grotesque models big brands sometimes launch. Owner of an LV myself, I have to say not every monogram or with the obvious big LV logo model is precisely elegant and sophisticated. Clear examples of these cases were seen last year with the celebration of monogram in collaboration with some regarded designers….

Or the absurd Monogram tote with holes by Rey Kawakubo, I understand that for the loyal collectionist this model is as good as the most remarkable LV; I also understand than in matters of taste subjectivity rules, but for those who pride themselves on having good common sense that bag simply doesn´t meet any aesthethic or functional standards.

But the excess and big logo thing is an issue many brands share; I understand that with the marketing hidden behind street style many ambassadors are a walking promotion for brands and designers. But in our case after paying that much do we still have to advertise for free?
Facts about designer bags
The boring leadership of certain brands. It´s unfortunate that the street style spreads during Fashion Week ensures that certain brands are getting most of the attention, which ends up eclipsing the variety and new flare others can provide. Yes it is fashion week and it´s all about the brands but it´s also about being innovative in a democratic way. It has been said fashion should evolve, so new and fresh are sure ways to do just that.
The bag it self doesn´t make your outfit. For some the simple addition of an expensive bag fixes it all; if its done right a good bag, purse or clutch can complement our look. It is also true that if you lack taste the most expensive bag won´t save you. Among celebs we often see the unfortunate use of these type of bags in which even a Chanel looks sadly used. In my humble but honest opionion this is not the way a Chanel should be carried.

So, brand or design? With our usual and common craves from time to time we want the new X bag, and even when it is not precisely considered a high end one we are used to seeing it as desirable must have, although many in this group aren´t hand made leather and their designs, far from breaking the mold, are seemingly emulating one another.

The truth
A designer bag is a good investment if its material makes of it a lifetime companion.
Depending on its design an it bag is a timeless piece which can be carried several times and easily combined with your looks, basically a classic.
But a designer it bag or investment bag doesn´t necessarily buy you style.
Unless you can afford it without regrets, for your long term satisfaction pick a designer bag because you trully like it and it represents benefits towards your outfit preferences according to the price you pay, and not because it is the bag of the moment.
And if we can´t afford an It Bag are we missing something? Of course not! There are so many good labels out there with the same if not more to offer. A non labeled bag can be as striking and significant as a designer one in the hands of a woman with real style.
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I so agree with this post, there are many new labels out there waiting to be discovered…
Busola Coutts
Very interesting and eye opening post. I like this a lot.
There are times I’ve been swayed by a designer label, but I do believe a design you like is more important than the label 🙂
Scarlett Vargas
Of course dear, we all have =D, nothing wrong with buying from time to time a quality adition to our closet, but to make it an addiction is a different thing
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