• Outfit Post – Chic Yellow

    El amarillo es uno de los colores mas llamativos y positivos que existen, y uno sobre el que se tejen muchos mitos y tabúes, pero considero que aunque hay colores que nos favorecen mas que otros, siempre podemos lograr que jueguen a nuestro favor, contrastándolos o combinándolos con otros que generalmente nos convienen. La verdad es que puedo contar con los dedos…

  • White Fields

    Durante el día cuarto de NYFW quise hacer un paréntesis en mi itinerario de moda para disfrutar un poco de la ciudad y de una de las vistas mas hermosas que ofrece … como no querer disfrutar de una  fría pero hermosa  mañana de domingo en Central Park …? podrá ser un espectáculo común para los locales, pero ciertamente a muchos aún nos…

  • Street Style from New York Fashion Week – Fall 2014

    When it comes to Fashion week what generically is refered to as “Street style” is a compilation of all types of urban outfits even if they´re not consistent with current circumstances. It is also true that  harsh winter conditions in NY this year have been an issue so perhaps some of the captured images do not obey the true nature of the “ street…

  • Outfit Post – Army Inspiration

    Army Trend

    Trends come and go but some are timeless and never really go out of fashion, one such trend are the army or military themed ones, and it´s something that can be achieved without having to rely on camouflaged pieces. A jungle green tone is a sure-fire ally in achieving military styling although not essential since the presence of other elements bring along…

  • Outfit Post – Jumper Dress

    Is Christmas Eve, most people is in a hurry to leave everything in order to welcome the new year, it’s time for dinners, meetings, gifts and above all of recapitulation – that moment where we all do a balance of what this year leaves us and obviously the goals and purposes for the next one. But let´s be honest, there is always…

  • Lady Like Look

    Tulle Skirts, either light or puffy are an ultra-feminine trend and statement of style and while in New York I couldn’t help remembering Carry Bradshaw at the beginning of each episode with her particular tutu skirt. But with this outfit the skirt is not the outstanding piece, more so all the elements blend creating a very “Lady Like” look, I chose this…