• Baroque Inspiration – Delusions of grandeur

    During 2012 evident was the use of extravagant trends, either by the stridency of the colorful as for color blocking, the maximalism with charged clothing in score or studds, and the more austere as with the leather look; all seem to indicate that 2013 and the rest of this year is not going to look more tenuous. Instead, get rid of “less…

  • Taste Like Burgundy

    Something in the air tastes and looks like wine, and doesn´t matter if it looks more to you like berry, or dark violet, cos just as wine has all these shades, fashion dictates is all about burgundy – all kinds of burgundy:  hats, tops, shoes, gowns and make up, dive  into this season´s  hottests color, so check out this review for fall trends, make that look…

  • Dealing with Fashion

    Version en español https://stylishjournal.com/dealing-with-fashion/ A s a blogger at times I find myself confronting dilemas, day by day fashion can dictate one thing only to dispose of it later,  and I ask myself  –  Are they trying to drive the world crazy?. .Should someone who has a set dress sense and doesn´t usually venture outside their comfort zone feel overwhelmed by all…

  • Lidiando con la Moda

    ( English Version   https://stylishjournal.com/surviving-fashion/   )  En mi faceta de fashion blogger a menudo me encuentro con dilemas, unos días la moda dicta una cosa para luego desecharla, y me pregunto están volviendo al mundo loco? Acaso debe una persona estrictamente clásica pasar por anticuada?  Puede una joven adolescente llevar los modelos mas sofisticados sin temor a lucir mayor? Quienes salen airosos siendo realmente fieles a…

  • Jaison Sosa – Trend Vision Award Winner

    El pasado 28 de Agosto  en el marco del certamen ” Trend Vision Award Wella ”  celebrado en la ciudad de Bogotá, se dieron cita profesionales del estilismo capilar a nivel nacional para dar muestra de   sus dotes en la aplicación de colores, cortes y nuevas tendencias;  por sus méritos el Barranquillero  Jaison  Sosa obtuvo el tan anhelado y merecido  primer lugar, luego de asombrar a la…

  • Perfection Requires Help

    I´ve always said, beauty does not require perfection, & perfection is not synonymous with beauty. Nowdays as the image of celebrities is often distorted in media & marketing, we have become accustomed to the vaguely human appearance many well known figures present. As a consequence youth nowadays are obsessed in achieving these difficult ¨standards¨. Some of you might remember those photos from…