• Sweet Sin

    Low cost, a sweet sin… People have cravings, women perhaps even more, if not, how do we explain publicity’s point? We see a tv commercial announcing a delicious ice cream and it is hard not to feel tempted. Now, imagine seeing a breath taking dress on a magazine, we would like to get it right? That very dress or a similar one,…

  • Mint Green Coat

    (Español debajo) Clothes don’t make the man, but perpetuate his image. Conscious or not, our daily dressing choices build the aesthetic component of our identity. how we are perceived or how we are remembered depend on impressions we leave in others even upon a glance. Although that idea or concept of “us” might be constant or surprising. Constant when our style is…

  • Personal outfit – Knit Dress

    Un look ideal no está compuesto por un costoso vestido y lujosos zapatos, sino amparado en el dominio del estilo personal, y que es estilo personal? la facultad de dar vida e identidad propia a nuestro vestir, mas allá de una marca, tendencias y estándares; El estilo es la magia que puede  transformar con ingenio y gracia, un cúmulo de prendas inclusive…

  • Bondi Glam

    Thanks to the peculiar weather conditions here in Australia even during the coldest months we can have the indulgence of a summer day from time to time, like earlier this week when we had the warmest may day seen in years, this gave me the perfect excuse to head to the beach and enjoy a beautiful sunny day at Bondi and its…

  • Dare to Show

    (Español Debajo) According to image experts there is a psyche behind the way a woman dresses, classifying our style as elegant, seductive, natural, creative, traditional, and dramatic. However women are more complex than what we wear and at any given moment we might feel like trying a different aesthetic or going for an ambiguous style because not everything is black and white. If there are…

  • Tips de estilo – Como hacer un lazo al cuello en forma de rosa

    Como usar las pañoletas al cuello, como usar las bufandas, formas de usar un pañuelo al cuello

    Las pañoletas, pañuelos o pashminas son un lindo detalle para variar y dar realce a nuestros atuendos además de ser uno de los accesorios relevantes en esta temporada; ya sea simplemente sobre los hombros o elaborados, sacan la cara por nuestro look, por ello siempre es práctico conocer algunas formas y estilos en los que podemos llevarlos, – una muy atractiva es la pañoleta…