• VIP Guest – Injury by Eugene Leung

    A week ago I was thrilled to be part of MBFWA and equally delighted with the innovation shown by the talented ambassadors of Australian fashion. During this years event I was invited to the 3UP runway, showcasing 3 brands/designers which stood out in particular for their fashion forward proposals, one of them was Injury and today I´m pleased to introduce to you Eugene…

  • Fall Wish List

    With the upcoming change  of season is inevitable to get excited about wat fall  brings in terms of fashion and style, and I know you guys want to know where to grab the latest trends at a good price, so this week´s recommended list is about CHICERU an online store that also showcases emergent design, with which in addition to basic items, must…

  • The Tommy Hilfiger Show – MBFW

    Day five of MBFW and another runway of a leading brand was on my agenda, Tommy Hilfiger. At first glance seemingly quite an event thanks to the pier 94 location just off the west side highway in midtown manhattan rather than the usual Lincoln Center, and the usual ¨somber¨ catwalk replaced by a scenario that led us to the typical Californian summer…

  • Fashion Loves Animals – Vaute Couture

    ( Texto en espanol debajo) Not everything is ego and frivolity in the world of fashion, each day more designers are committed to incorporate ethical convictions to their work, promoting a sustainable lifestyle and responsible consumption, serving as inspiration for many others.  For this reason I am pleased to introduce  a designer whose proposal goes beyond a simple ecological concept to push…

  • Eco Trends: David Tlale – New York Fashion Week 2013

    Entre las muchas colecciones vistas en la pasada semana de la moda en Nueva York,  mucha fué la reincidencia de piezas que parecían repetirse show tras show; si bien algunas se destacaban por su impecable sofisticacion un pequeño detalle enfríaba mi entusiasmo: el infame uso de piel, casí que infaltable sobre todo hablando de la temporada otoño invierno pero que al menos en mi…

  • Bridal Collection – Lazaro Perez

    Lazaro Perez, designer of the Lazaro and Tara Keely collections, is known for his impeccable fit and glamorous collections featuring exquisite beading and embroidery with dramatic silhouettes. With over twenty years of design experience, Lazaro is regarded as one of the industry’s premier bridal designers. Lazaro’s work has frequently been recognized by the fashion industry and national news media.  In 2001 he…