Outfit post – Red Moto Jacket
Aunque muchas mujeres afianzan su imagen en una vestimenta distintiva otras optamos por explorar diferentes estéticas que hacen de nuestro estilo uno variado y ecléctico. De faldas de tull y tacones a jeans y sneakers una mujer puede manifestar su animo y personalidad sin ser etiquetada bajo repetitivos códigos de vestuario. Ya sea que te guste explorar tu lado rebelde e intrépido o simplemente quieras probar un look fuerte, pocas cosas exclaman rebeldía como una chaqueta motociclista, skinny jeans y botines, una formula atemporal e infalible cuando se trata de reafirmar nuestro ímpetu en el ambiente urbano.
En el atuendo de hoy les presento esta linda chaqueta de Style Moi, ligera en peso pero efectiva en protección durante los días fríos, la he complementado con pantalones tipo skinny en acabado encerado y botines en punta como acentos contundentes. Las fotos fueron tomadas en el centro de Sydney en un area que todo fanatico de la película Matrix reconocería, por la escena de la chica de rojo…
Although many women rely on a distinctive way of dressing for their image, others would rather explore diferent aesthetics that enhance style and turn it into eclectic. From tulle skirts and heels to jeans and sneakers a woman can express her mood and personality without being tagged under repetitive dress codes. Whether you like to explore your rebel side or simply want to try a strong look, few things say rebellious as a biker jacket, skinny jeans and booties, – a timeless and striking formula when it comes to looking fierce in an urban way.
As part of today´s outfit I´m featuring this cool jacket from Style MoI, lightweight but effective protection during cold days which I complimented with skinny jeans in a waxed finish and pointed toe ankle boots for a sharp accent. The images were taken near a popular spot in Sydney that every Matrix fan would recognize for the “Lady in Red” scene…
Style Moi Jacket – Chaqueta / Calvin Klein Pants – pantalones / Wittner (Australia) Ankle Boots – botines / Nine West Bag – bolso
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Jacket – Click on the photo to get it / Chaqueta – Click en la foto para obtenerla
Great outfit and you are beautiful girl!!
Kisses darling
Maggie Dallospedale
Este look me ha encantado.
Te ves espectacular
Un beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion blog
What a fabulous look! Love that jacket 🙂
Style should express our mood. I love this outfit on you! That jacket is the perfect way to layer up and look completely chic and those booties are completely amazing! I think your hair looks so fabulous!
It’s one of my favourite looks of yours. Chic, attractive and it has a lot statement pieces.
Lots of love,