One dress two looks – How to turn your party frock into a multitasking dress
Every season our wardrobes, (hence our style) experience a change, we replace our lighter spring garments with other more hibernal and cozy items for the colder months. While many of us are eager to invest in a new little something here and there, there are others who live by the less is more concept, whatever the case may be there are certain items that suit the “capsule wardrobe” concept – those we can always count on and easily combine with other pieces regardless of the season.
In my case I love simple, effortless maxi dresses that I can wear both for evenings or laid back occasions. Turns out, our favorite party dresses we often limit to a night out can be released from their spring summer context and become equally functional during fall/winter too, blame it on the trend! Jumper style, more than a trend, is a clever way to extend the life of certain pieces turning them into more practical and easy to wear for everyday scenarios.
How to turn you party dresses into all season dresses? Ok, maybe not your glittering and bold models, but definitely something sober with a simple silhouette and solid color can be useful for this purpose, by adding your working white blouse, weekend shirt, or turtleneck sweater, depending on the current weather – that’s it, you’ve just got a brand new look in no time!
Take for instance this maxi dress from Pilgrim Clothing, its simple silhouette and solid color make it the perfect canvas to create elegant, yet casual and effortless outfits year long. In addition to this outfit post, I’ll also show you another styling option suitable for autumn, hope you like it!
Con cada temporada que llega, nuestro guardarropa y por ende nuestros looks, experimentan cambios, – reemplazamos nuestros trapos de verano y primavera por otros de mas resguardo en los meses fríos. Mientras para algunos ello representa la excusa para invertir en una o mas adiciones de armario, para otros aplica el menos es más; cualquiera sea el caso, existen ciertas prendas que responden al concepto de “Guardarropa Cápsula” ( uno mínimo, práctico y versátil en el que pocas prendas combinadas con otras dan lugar a múltiples atuendos).
A mi por ejemplo me encantan los maxi de estilo simple que pueda llevar tanto para la noche, como en una ocasión mas cotidiana, – convenientemente resulta que nuestros vestidos de fiesta favoritos ( esos que normalmente llevamos en verano y primavera) pueden ser liberados de su usual contexto y tornarse igualmente funcionales durante el Otoño e Invierno, gracias a la tendencia Jumper – que en este caso es una forma inteligente de extender la vida de ciertas piezas, haciendolas mas prácticas y multi escenario.
Y como llevar nuestros vestidos de fiesta al estatus multi estación? Ok, tal vez, no aquellos con brillos y lentejuelas o demasiado llamativos, pero definitivamente los sobrios de silueta simple, serán útiles para este propósito, con solo agregar tu camisa de trabajo, tu camiseta del finde, o un suéter cuello de tortuga según el caso, y ya está, nueva vida para tu vestido!
Tomemos por ejemplo este maxi cuya silueta simple y color sólido hacen de el un lienzo perfecto para crear looks casuales y elegantes a la vez durante todo el año. Además del atuendo principal, también comparto una imagen con una segunda opción de estilismo para este tipo de vestido, espero que les guste!
About Pilgrim Clothing
Looking for chic and effortless designs on trend? Pilgrim is an Aussie label established over 20 years ago, delivering a sense of luxury without the price tag. Their designs encapsulate the modern muse, always glamorous yet practical. Their latest collection brings clever and versatile silhouettes to please every taste, don’t forget to check the link below!
Featuring Pilgrim dress
Option 2 – City chic and cozy for Autumn- Winter days
According to the weather, you can simply add a t-shirt, blouse or a sweater, and pair with a jacket if needed. I’m wearing ankle boots but with slit design over the knee boots would work wonderfully too!
Are you a fan of the jumper trend? How would you wear this dress?
In collaboration with Pilgrim Clothing via Shopping Links
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Natassia Crystal
Love that stylish dress with those strappy stiletto heels! 🙂
Looking gorgeous! 🙂
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
What a beautiful dress! Love the different ways you styled it 🙂