Gentlewoman style vol 2 – Man repelling fashion we love
Every woman wants to look beautiful – I dare to say; beautiful in every single way given their personal ideals of beauty. Style, from ones early years is indeed a complement of such concepts, while some women are drawn to a modest aesthetic others don’t mind a bit of attention, sometimes both extremes and everything in between is preferred. Whatever our aesthetic codes, there is a time in our lives when we consider the masculine point of view, and this of course has had an impact on the way we dress. Perhaps because we have learnt to appreciate beauty and femininity through masculine eyes, a tangible reality perpetuated in paintings and sculptures from ancient times, with many renowned artists worshiping the female anatomy that still resonates in modern society. We have learnt to translate beauty and femininity with superfluous and often cliché contexts, this is when other issues such as stereotypes and objectification take place; what about having the freedom to feel beautiful, feminine and sexy beyond those limits?
Without being completely radical, clearly there is a huge gap between the aesthetic “women of style” love, and the aesthetic loved by men. At a glance, men aren’t attracted to women wearing over-sized coats, baggy pants or chunky flat shoes, and everything tomboy fashion, as some of the latest trends propose. Nor do they seem to find logic in playful, folk, ornamented Frida Kahlo inspired outfits such as what we see in high fashion editorials, let’s say that’s more an indulgence for true fashion lovers who love to play with certain sophistication. (No wonder why the “Man repeller look” became a thing). Rather, most men are pleased to see tight garments, cleavages, and sharp high heels. And the truth is there is nothing wrong with that, we like them too. It is flattering to get compliments and to feel admired, and better yet to simply like what we see in the mirror regardless of someone else’s opinion. BUT let’s not limit beauty, femininity and of course – style, to most men’s preferences. The way we dress shouldn’t be men’s gratification but our own.
Yes, we loooove our high heels and silky dresses, but to be honest, this is safe zone; those who call themselves fashion lovers (I mean, truly fashion lovers and connoisseurs) know that when it comes to style, what’s risky, unconventional and bold, often compromises what’s sexy, cute, and beautiful according to most mens taste, hence, some women won’t even try and will keep their little body-con dress as their weapon of choice. Of course, there is nothing wrong with channeling the sexy side, I have been drawn to this or that at different stages of my life and sure will be wearing something revealing soon, (everything has a moment and place) just that as I’ve traveled and grown up i’ve realized there is so much more than just looking sexy, in fact there is so much more than looking beautiful, and that is – substance, then comes the rest.
Style is a reflection of substance, and by this I don’t want to say anyone who dresses for men has no substance whatsoever, nor do I imply that every women in a sexy outfit is looking for men’s attention. Simply there is a time to move on, explore and experiment out of our comfort zone, It’s not about giving up who we are and what we like but simply knowing we are not more feminine or more beautiful by what we wear, but how we feel is most important regardless of someone else’s approval.
Btw, today I’m wearing my second man repeller, gentlewoman, or simply tomboy look of the season; a beautiful and dressy velvet suit, which is dapper and sophisticated, but it can be still casual paired with flats, loafers and even sneakers.
Outfit details – Cue Clothing Suit – Shellys London shoes – Furla Bag