A Silver Wedding Dress
Hello to you all! I couldn´t wait to try on this gorgeous dress and post it on here: whether for you the bride to be, or maybe your friend whose planning her wedding, this gown could be a great inspiration! I was amazed when I received this past week from Dressestylist, this superb gown, and although Im married it wouldn´t stop me from getting my hands on such an amazing piece, so as such I decided to change its color. But you know white is not the exclusive color when it comes to getting married, other shades like silver, champagne and pearl rose are equally convenient for this special event. But if getting married is not in your plans, yet you want to look like a star at the Oscars during your next big ceremony or event, this dress is perfectly suitable. So whatever the reason might be you should visit Dressestylist, where you can delight yourself with gowns and other styles, perfectly tailored to your body and with the color of your choice. The perfect dress is waiting for you, and remember to have something old, something borrowed and something blue!
Hola a todas! No podía esperar para lucir este hermoso vestido y publicarlo en el blog: ya sea que preparas tu boda, o quizá tu amiga está planeando la suya, este modelo puede ser una gran inspiración! estaba sorprendida cuando lo recibí la semana pasada cortesía de Dressestylist, y aunque ya estoy casada, ello no iba a impedirme poner mis manos en tan hermosa prenda, por ello decidí al menos cambiar el color. Pero como ya sabrás, blanco no es un color exclusivo si de bodas se trata. Otros tonos como el plata, champaña y rosa perla son igualmente convenientes para este evento especial. Pero si casarte de momento no está en tus planes y sin embargo quieres lucir como una estrella en los Oscares durante tu próxima ceremonia o evento, este vestido es muy adecuado. Así que cualquiera que sea tu propósito te aconsejo visitar Dressestylist, donde puedes escoger este y otros modelos, hechos a medida y con el color de tu elección. El vestido perfecto, espera por ti, y recuerda….algo viejo, algo prestado y algo azul!
Dress – Courtesy of Dressestylist
Swarovsky Necklace – and Bracelet
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You look so amazing in this dress! The fit and color are stunning! I really love the corset detailing on the back!
The dress is amazing! I’m sure it is constructed very well….I love it!