A Little bit North Pole
With so much material to work with from my Fashion Week experience, outfit posts have been relegated to a distant second place but to maintain the habit I wanted to share this look from a random and really cold day in New York during MBFW. I decided to wear this Romwe dress and thanks to its material was warm enough to be comfortable while indoors. It would have been perfect for the season if it wasn´t for the extreme low temperatures prevailing in the city during those days, so I had to accompany it with a proper coat since later I wanted to enjoy the serenity that Bryant Park provides along with some Frank Sinatra music echoing amongst the trees and buildings, what New York cliché …..
Con tanto material por editar de Fashion Week, mis notas de atuendo habían quedado en segundo plano, pero para no perder la costumbre quise compartir este look de un día cualquiera en Nueva York durante la semana de la moda, uno con temperaturas por debajo de lo normal, – durante el cual decidí llevar este vestido de Romwe, que gracias a su material procura abrigo necesario para sentirse a gusto; debo decir habría sido perfecto para la temporada de no ser por la extrema baja temperatura imperante en la ciudad durante esos días, por lo que debí acompañarlo con un abrigo ya que mas tarde quise disfrutar de la placidez que ofrece Bryant Park ambientado con música de Frank Sinatra, todo un cliché de invierno en Nueva York….
Romwe Dress Vestido – Romwe Coat Abrigo – Nine West Cross body Bag, bolso cruzado – Zara Ankle Boots Botines- Swarovski Earrings – pendientes
Nada como el acogedor ambiente de Celsious con calefacción en exteriores y una taza de chocolate caliente para sellar la tarde
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Olga W.
Absolutely love that dress, the quilted details are just perfect !
You look gorgeous and that red coat is fab
Isabella Jessica
Hey there!
Just dropping by to let you know that I’m holding a mini giveaways to celebrate my birthday!
I’m giving away 2 CHANEL LE VERNIS Nail Polishes: 473 Coromandel (Limited Edition) and 505 Particuliere.
I would really appreciate your participation. For the T&C and more info:
p.s. I love your photos <3 you are gorgeous in each